Problematic appointment of Rueul Jethro Khoza as Chancellor at South African University, UKZN

in DTube2 years ago (edited)

Originally posted to YT by Zeer Nehanda Azania on behalf of Mike Stainbank who is the licence holder of the Apartheid Museum and declares in this video and in private conversations that he is in possession of documentary and material evidence to substantiate all the statements in this video. His statements have led to the filing of proceedings by Khoza. In my conversations with Mike, he said he is prepared to go to court to defend his rights as described in this video.

His cause is crucial in the battle against the corrupt and captured judiciary and political elites in South Africa and he, as the person confronting these powerful entities, deserves all the support of patriots and supporters of truth and oppressed communities all over the world.

I post this here following his request to disseminate this content as widely as possible. Please follow his cause by following him from any federated instance with the handle, [email protected] or go directly to his hubzilla feed channel - -

Please read up about this case and lend any support you can to Mr. Mike Steinbank

This content is re-posted here with permission of the original creator of the video (mike Steinbank

Mike Steinbank's website contains further information and video content which may be seized at any time as proceedings are moving forward.

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