It is not a good habit to think too much because it also creates problems which do not really exist.

in DTubelast year (edited)


Hello everyone!
Wishing you a great day ahead..
Even though people may not agree with this fact that the more information, the more confusion, but it is also true that this thing proves to be true on most occasions. When we go to the store in search of something, there are many options, so the mind is not clear for any one, on the contrary, if someone presents a simple thing, then it becomes the best for us. Some people use their mind excessively even for a simple puzzle, that's why they get entangled in it. It only means to say that thinking is a good thing but thinking too much for someone always gives rise to problems which are not really there.
So always be clear taking your decision before any start.
Thanks for being here..
Have a nice day..

▶️ DTube

Excellent appreciation, to take into account, have a wonderful day.


You too man have a splendid Thursday..

Awesome my friend have a wonderful day
@adysscheryl nominated you for a prize in the draw

That's really great..

Yes, overthinking does cause anxiety. Think only to a conclusion then act... any further consideration wastes time.

I too think so. There is no need to bother about the things that is not in our control and if there is control over the things then what is the need to think.
Thanks for stopping by..
Have a nice day..

I agree with you dear.
Sometimes I tend not to know much in other not to get confused.
But some people will say you act relaxed by their own views.
I just think you do you.

I think every person has on point of view about these things. With the time these thing happens but not mostally because of much knowledge. It can be in the form of more information...
Thanks for nice input..
Have a nice day..

I agree with you.
You are welcome dear.

I sometimes feel I overthink at times.
Whenever I feel this way, I feel I am floating in water.
I feel so empty whenever I overthink, I start belittling myself.
I have learned not to overthink, so I don't harm my mind and self.

Ha ha ha. Really nice idea . No would like to harm own mind by ownself. It's good to be considerate, but never in excess.
Thanks for being here..
Have a great day..

You're welcome

I feel that I've seen it in other people around me which is only one person but yeah I definitely understand that

You've spoken great words. Thanks for sharing and do enjoy the rest of your day ahead.

Thanks for your kind words..🙏🙏

Great video mate. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks man..

You are welcome. Enjoy the rest of your day

What people get is information, sometimes too much of it, and information is not knowledge, that's what causes the confusion.

Absolutely you are right my dear friend..We get entangled only with information. Knowledge is a permanent thing which shows us the right path.
Thanks for being here..
Have a nice day 🙏🙏

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I need this advice everyday.

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