It is always difficult to work outside the comfort zone.

in DTube2 years ago (edited)


Hello beautiful world!
Happy weekend to my all friends..
It is generally seen that we not only enjoy the work which is according to our interest, but we complete it in a better way. If people working under air condition in the office are given to work in the sun then they will definitely get sick by evening. On the contrary, if a person working in the sun is asked to work in air condition, then he too will not feel comfortable. It is only meant to say that when we go out of our comfort zone then we definitely have to face problems. Take a simple example if you write with right hand and you are asked to write with left hand then how much there will be a problem. Overall, it can be said that we perform better in the comfort zone, while outside it our performance decreases.
Thanks for stopping by..
Have a nice day..

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