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RE: The creative act to connect to source

in DTubelast year

Nice video, @camuel - good work in showing up, and I really believe we are doing some of the most important work that needs doing in these times, in showing how we create, because this opens the Way for everyone in our collective conscious. It's good too, to hear your accent, as I miss Scotland and especially folks' voices and characters of our culture....
Have you been following @vincentnijman by chance? He speaks to similar themes and challenges. And we often meet on Co-Creations Sessions, which are linked now to our new Art. community on Hive - in case you'd like an accountability and deep-sharing space - our community and the sesssions (every Thurs) are particularly aligned with our connecting to Source and our finding our unique voice...
Many good wishes to you in all your creative endeavours!


Thanks for the kind comments, Clare.