🎥 Cryptocurrency Market Overview | 01.08.2020

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

CcMO 01.08.2020.jpg

Hello, dear Blockchain people!

In this video, I talked about the solid increase of dollar supply and its impact on the prices of financial assets, including cryptocurrencies.

Then I mentioned the news that the total value of money in DeFi exceeded $ 4 billion.

Enjoy watching the video and, please, comment!

A few words about me:

Just to let you know: I've been working professionally as a currency analyst for the last 14 years, and as a cryptocurrency analyst for the last 3 years.


Keep in mind, that thoughts expressed here are my own, and they should not be regarded as recommendations for any cryptocurrency trades, investments and etc.

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Thanks for a great video @cryptospa, and very interesting information on how the money printing affects assets such as gold and crypto, and it is really great to see the growth in DeFi, keep up your great work, it's awesome.

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@flaxz - Admin/Curator

This post is AWESOME!

Therefore it has been manually upvoted with 100% and reblogged by @thisisawesome, I manually upvote and reblog 1 post per day for the Awesome Daily Spotlight, and I also promote that post on Twitter, and it will be included as the Awesome Daily Spotlight in the Awesome Daily Curation post of today, and it will also be featured in the Awesome Weekly Spotlight that is posted on Mondays.

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Hive ecosystem by rewarding it".


Thank you for the awesome support, @thisisawesome!

Crypto has been amazing in the markets, esp Hive, BTC and ETH! Whew what a ride. Thank you as always for your awesome videos. They really help give a great overall view on everything! Keep up your great work! You Are Awesome! 👍🙂💚

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@pixiepost - Comment Moderator

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Hive ecosystem by rewarding it".

Another great video. I am glad to see DeFi growing so much over the past few months, isn't it fun to see smart contracts doing what banks are doing and at better rates. Exchanges like uniswap are non-custodial and they don't ask you for KYC yet they work so much better than centralized ones. We are still in the infancy stage and many ordinary people still have no idea what it's all about. I am definitely looking forward to better prospects in the future.
Thank you for sharing and keed enjoying your weekend :}

Thank you for the nice comment!
Have a great Sunday!