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RE: Catching a Big SHARK on a hand line, off the rocks in Western Australia!!!

in DTube4 years ago

We fish more or less in pawns and rivers in Slovenia. We have massive cat fish here up to 2.8meters long. Most of time we're catching pikes, largemoulth bass, barbells and some others. In sea we got this year Mediterian barracudas XD Allot of fun!


Nicceeeee man I heard a lot of stories that the nature in Slovenia is absolutely stunning!!! That's some nice species of fish as well that you have in the rivers and ponds , sounds like a lot of fun :)

The nature here is as you said stunning! I think this is the most beautifull land. Not just landscapes but that you can be so to say in the morning in alps in the afternoon you can swimm in the sea and in the evening you can be on the other side of country having best culinarics =P Also we have allot of caves and Proteus aka Human fish that is one of a kind spicies in the world. Where are you from?

Nice man, sounds amazing!!
I am originally from Belgium but have been travelling for 6 years.