Like A Bird Set Free - Sia - Cover by Ed Privat

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

A beautiful song by Sia, performed by Ed Privat

Performed with a loop station, recorded the 20/06/2018

▶️ DTube

Hey bloggers, music lovers, friends and foes :)

It's me Ed Privat, with a brand new cover. Not so brand new actually, I was going through the extensive list of songs I posted throughout the year on the blockchain and this one really touched me for some reason.

I think there's a bit of a metaphor here, at the time we were literally living in a cage, and now we are free :)

Funny thought, I posted it the day of my daughter's birthday, one year before she was even born ^^

I really love the new UI on Dtube, I can't wait to fully take advantage of it ! For now I am just playing around.

Feel free to comment, share, love, hate!

Have a great day ^^