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RE: The Reasons Why You Shouldn't Wear Your Essence As A Person In Your Visible Life Style

in DTube4 years ago

Very well said @josediccus This reminds me of some people here who spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of sneakers, yet have nothing saved for a rainy day.

On the other hand...

Not long ago, a man passed away. He had lived on the streets his entire adult life and refused all offers of housing or assistance.

Dressed in worn clothing, everyone thought he had nothing until the police searched his belongings. Turns out he had over $50,000 hidden inside his layers of clothing and an equal amount in a bank account.

Clothes don't always make the man.


Yeah you're right, the cloth don't always make the man you know, that's quite a story with that man that passed away really. Wearing one's personality on their cloth isn't really the way to go