Monday Morning Hive New Week Vlog!

in DTube3 years ago (edited)

Talking crypto (Hive mainly) then the state of the world in 2021 today and rise of fascism in the west. If that’s to deep for ya check out first few minutes on Hive snd crypto but pretty calm this morning all around. Oh and talked some bitcoin history! Also some general new week wrap up at end.

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The nice thing about owning Hive is that, we use it, the blockchain, every day and we also reap the benefit of the vote power.

Thanks again for keeping us updated & informed, on the cryptos, the market, etc... Gene Everett - @geneeverett. There was a time, when a US Silver Dollar, was worth a day's pay, which could have been sunup to sundown. Today, One can buy one for under $30 (USD). I like cryptos,
but, today, I'll be at the Local Coin Shop.
Keep walking.

HIVE has more than doubled its sitting low. We are doing awesome; and still way below what our value should be. I have to wonder about artificially flattening HBD though.

I agree 💯 on hive.. I just think HBD is gonna hurt us long run. There’s no reason for it anymore.

Oh btw I was thinking of ya
the host here is good guy but many of his shows are really more like entertainment type conspiracy stuff but omg what a guest! It’s a great intro to his book! Apparently his son is a fan and hooked it up.


Robert F. Kennedy is not a conspiracy theorist but it seems very few will interview him who are not. Kennedy is a lawyer who could be silenced rather aptly by the courts if he were lying. Yet they don't drag him into court do they.

HIVE will go back up.. this is the entire crypto market correcting

Agreed👍 And a beautiful bounce off the $1.50 area. Give or take a dime

Yes you are right on hive and crypto coin.

@geneeverett , thanks for sharing. I believe that your experience adds to your credibility when you encourage us to hodl.

TRhe flash crash was triggered by a hack of the exchange Bitmart at 4 am (CET) and the sale of tokens two hours later.... than others started selling. Maybe good news.