Just Got Stopped By Undercovers @18.26 2nd April 2020 Center Of Madrid

in DTube4 years ago

First time thats happened, and thats not a good sign of things to come! I had just been smoking a joint aswell but luckily before that incident.

They looked like dodgy fucks to be honest, like they would try sell me fake perfume or a set of chef knives from the boot, but after not even sure what they were asking about I heard the radios crackle in the car

▶️ DTube

Man, Anarchy is not a good religion... but I trust yourself

Anarchy is best suited for in Nature 😜

do you reply to me? or to him?

him, or me, or you? 🤣 I was just thinking if I replied to the right one and you asked 2hours early already 😜

Hi, welcome to the madness in spain, that was part one of three videos all within 20minutes 🤣 trust me, I know this! Thanks for the blessins!

edit, its the center of madrid. for the firsttime Im doing vids on my view of being stuck here

I think this virus thing is a setup to take our money and rights away.

Yep, make everyone poor(ive spent all the cash i had) Then tell them the finacial system is fucked (true) and then offer the solution as heros and saviours in the form of digital ID 'To end terrorism' then microchip for 'vaccine tracking and ofcourse for your safety'
and 'help' in the form of a digital dollar and everyone with the implant gets an airdrop!

that just the begining haha


more than just bastards!

Maybe you should learn @marcstevens method?
He is on utub, too.

Thanks for another one to follow!


Its insane over here! today I got footage from inside a hospital.. And yeh hmm seems like a false flag

I do kind of get the feeling that yes, this is (quite obviously) the start, but as always it cant be done in one huge step because it wouldnt seem to appear 'Natural', that Spain and Italy are to be played as the puppets on the screens for the rest of the world to get them already begging for a vaccine and it doesnt have to be so harsh like it is here 'when' this 'virus' scare is over

We get to be who the puppets and sheep are. So, those who see through the disguises that the wolves wear are the ones to network with.

Don't let the fuckers grind you down. Think on your feet , my friend.

I ended up sat on my arse and surrendering to the gods 🤣 Ive been exerting way to much energy into trying to get somewhere that I forgot about the flow completely! Was completely emerged in thoughts of the future for a few weeks, thats not good! But yeh, surrendering to the what is, helps always