RULES TO SUCCESS *save this!

in DTube2 years ago

To find success you must develop a routine.
Everyday I start my day with a morning meditation. I take 15 minutes to decompress and connect with the energy of the universe.

I also have a list of 5 key laws I keep as a guide that keep me on track it reads as the following:

  1. Trust Yourself - Run Your Own Race and Dream BIG.
    In order to achieve success you must first understand your position. There is no sense in comparing your journey to anyone else's we are all unique and have our own individual experiences. Meet yourself where you are and build solid routines and habits around you, as you evolve so will your routine. Do not be afraid to dream big and often, this will keep your ambitions real in your motivation to accomplish them. Don't allow yourself to self sabotage by thinking negatively and telling yourself your dreams are unattainable.

  2. Develop Your Mind- Intellectual Property.
    Conditioning and disciplining yourself to think and operate differently and more optimized is a challenge at first. There are many resources out to facilitate you in achieving becoming the best version of yourself. Fostering good habits that align you with your goals is the best place to begin. Start small and celebrate milestones, incorporate small habits that ultimately lead up to greater ones, for instance instead of scrolling through IG at night before bed, decompress and listen to an audiobook or read a book (tangible not kindle or any tablet reader). Demand a little more from yourself each day. Keeping your mental healthy is key, creating small routines to keep you balanced like allocating an hour a day to work out or 30 minutes of complete solitude will allow you to begin to rid yourself of bad habits and replace them with ones that will align with your goal. You are constantly evolving so your knowledge and insight of the world should too.

3.Act With Intentions.
Everything you do should be intentional, nothing should be done by chance. When you act with intention you are preparing yourself to receive the equivalent back. Often times we find ourselves just going through the motions and then wondering why nothing is progressing, the answer to that is intention. When you speak with purpose it is more meaningful, your performance increases as will your desire to continue operating at a higher caliber. Be intentional with every action of your day, no not waste and gradually watch how that hyper focus manifest itself into all that you have dreamed.

  1. Practice What You Do and What You Intend to Be With Consistent Action.'
    Your intentions must be set as small routines you follow each getting you closer to your goal. To become a master of any craft at least 10,000 hours are required, real time required is approximately one years worth of time, because you cant dedicate 24 hours of every day to your goal, consistent action is necessary. Everyday you commit to miniscule tasks that will inch you forward in progression. The objective is to pace it because as its said in law one you are running your own race. A marathon winner is not awarded by being the first to dash from the starting line but the one who is most consistent in the efforts and disciplined in their training and strategy will win. Your consistent efforts should mirror that of a marathon runner.

  2. Know Your Worth.
    Do not sell yourself short because others do not believe in you. Always know your worth, a good way to gauge your worth is what are you sacrificing to accomplish your goals that others are not.
    What is your unique experience giving to the economy and what is fair price for it to be shared.
    The world will try to diminish your effort at every turn this is because so many people have given up on their dreams. They are inspired by you but this isn't always demonstrated as such it often reveals itself as envy and jealousy. Do not allow those that are envious to convince you that you are not worthy.