Boiling Belarus | Three nights of rage over Lukashenko’s win

in DTube4 years ago
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That's what happens each time a country has elections and is not under the US hegemony or the results are not in favor of the US agenda. What about some 1% democracy in countries strongly protected by the USA or states that live on the account of the USA and have either no elections or the prime minister keeps reepating the elections until he wins?

I'm dying to see the reaction after the U.S. election. I think no matter who wins, there will be a lot of angry people on the losing side and I don't think they'll be quiet about it.


We didn't get to have any fireworks on Independence Day this year but I'm expecting some big fireworks after the elections, if you "get my drift".

I'm glad I don't live in Portland Oregon, they have had fireworks every night for the last 4 months!

LOL, I think so too. Something is coming!