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RE: Just 'ANOTHER' Mind-Spill...

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago (edited)

We have a sons of Italy branch around us but I don’t really know what they do.

I don't think they do much of anything these days, like the Lions Club, Elks ...etc. Even the Masons don't draw in many new members any longer. A lot of their lodges and temples have been closed down as a result. I suspect it's a failure of their lack of outreach to the young - always was. They were always a bit too closed when it came to newbies who were not brought in by family anyway...

Specializing in everyday type posts is fine in my opinion, if it makes one happy; I really don't have a serious gripe about that... It's actually easier to churn out on a regular basis and I do it myself in spurts, here and there.

As a matter of fact... I might write one of those today...?!?!?!? 😏