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RE: Regenerative Sleep and Recoup

Hey there! Your InLeo Premium membership expired and I noticed you didn't renew it

I'm looking for ways to improve the Premium experience, do you mind giving me feedback and maybe a couple reasons why you decided not to renew it?


I might be talking out of my ass, since I haven't even touched InLeo.

But get the price down of the Premium. It shouldn't be like paying for web2 services. I think you guys should aim for 3 HBD a month and focus on getting more revenue elsewhere (We can get in more detailed), but ofc don't drop it from 10 to 3 HBD at once, slowly decrease it with 1 HBD now and then.

Also, as other users have talked about, remove the viewing limit. No matter the amount of views someone gets, if there is ads, they should get a little bit. But maybe have a database where people needs to get 200 views or more before the payment comes regardless of have much time it takes :D

What about auto-renewable premium from the Ad revenue someone is generated? And if their accounts doesn't hit that mark one month, they get a little notice saying they need to pay x amount for the Premium:D

 3 months ago  

Good suggestions!

 3 months ago  

Time :D was busy I'll do it in a few weeks after hpud!

Hahaha awesome!

 3 months ago  

On vacation right now half checking hive, by the time I realized my premium expired I had too many other things to do so I said I will renew when I have time to dedicate