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RE: A bloody fist full of dollars

In my experience people often get what they deserve and work towards be it something positive or negative. I don't believe in karma so much, however people's actions always come with reactions and often repercussions.

You say, "some people deserve to lose everything they earned stole while trampling over those who paved their road." People don't always get what's coming to them directly I think, however that doesn't always mean things in their life are positive and valuable. People like you mention here are often the most unhappy with themselves and maybe that's what they get based on their actions...a lifetime of being them.

Becca 🌷


Your experience has been somewhat in contrast to mine. I have witnessed many people who get things that they don't deserve and while actions have reactions, often there are spanners that get sent into the works that nobody saw coming.

That's true, I have no idea what that woman's life looks like other than chaotic from what I've been told - but she is an attention seeker and always wants to be in the limelight and not from the merits of her own work either. I don't like those kinds of people. I personally think that perhaps she's too shallow to even realise whether she's happy or not, but I'm on the outside looking in, so I could be totally wrong.

Thanks for your comment Becca, I hope you are doing well.