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RE: It takes all types....

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

Very wonderful rant. A lot of people want relevance and some try to be controversial about it. For a fact I might be angry about being downvoted because somehow I put in effort to create something on the network however it doesn't mean I am here for the money. It just meant that my effort and the time I invested in creating quality content was disregarded by certain group of people who did so because they had more influence than I did.

Although, I don't get why people complain about hive and still post consistently. For me, hive has done so well and it is really saddening that a set of people say hive is trash and still take rewards. I mean hive is just a year old and the social network feeling is palpable.

On this note anyone who is complaining about hive can as well leave the network and go to the other chains or go back to Facebook for all I care.


A lot of people want relevance and some try to be controversial about it.

Controversy is the lowest point in the fence and people are largely untalented at much of value in this kind of space.

On this note anyone who is complaining about hive can as well leave the network and go to the other chains or go back to Facebook for all I care.

They are even less relevant on other platforms - as the algorithms filter them out, not in.