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RE: Does Bad Luck come in Threes???

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

It’s funny I never really had thought of it myself but my wife is a big believer in this stuff! She’s not superstitious herself but definitely believes in the three disasters thing.

Really shitty about your phone man, I keep mine in a life proof case. Just make sure to clean it very well before you put it in there and you’ll be fine! I haven’t taken the case off in a year I think lol. Not completely perfect but it helps and saves many a fall!

Hopefully I don’t start dropping my phone now hahaha

 2 years ago  

Ya it's a weird one, even people that are not superstitious seem to go in for this one. I couldn't believe it though, 2 screens in 2 weeks. I'd gone my whole life up to that point without breaking a phone screen. What are the chances, I'll definitely be getting the best of the best of screen protectors this time... Fool me once....