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RE: What Will Happen If Everyone Is Poor?

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

The most telling result of what socialism will bring if it occurs is what happened in Russia during Stalin. Communism leads to socialism which destroys the entire country for all except those in government at the higher levels. It was an experiment and one that failed miserably on the level of humanity, but passed brilliantly on the level of these tyrannical leaders and their thirst for power and destruction.

If we remove the incentive to work hard and everyone gets equal no matter what, it completely destroys the fabric of humanity. In human history that has never been the case to have worked, from when we were hunter gatherer nomads to present day. Those who work hard get and deserve more of the reward than those who don’t work hard.

The obvious exception to that is people born into wealth but you and I aren’t in that category as is billions of people so I’m leaving that out of this.

Socialism will never, ever fix any of the problems of society. Look at how Venezuela is a complete disaster right now. You can speak to any number of Venezuelans here on hive to learn how it turned out! It’s a complete failure for humanity as a whole but it’s worked marvelously for those corrupt criminals in government.


It has always been clear and no longer a news truely, coming together to make the world a better place might just be lyrics till eternity, everyone seems to care only for themselves, and the few that want to help are not in position, that's if they will really do as they protest though.

Talking about this doesn't have a end and still no answer to it. So sad.

Thanks so much @cmplxty for your contribution 💞