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RE: An Exercise in Digression

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

The caffeine withdrawals are difficult! It’s best to just chug water throughout the day to make it more manageable and to flush the stuff out of your system.

Word perfect, ah now that brought back memories!! Haven’t thought about that for a long time lol.

Cool to see another American transplant in Japan. I’m not but I know there’s a few over there, James Corbett being the one that comes to mind the most. He’s in western japan and does some incredible investigative journalism.


Thank you for the suggestion. I have been drinking a ton of water. Using the toilet a ton as a result, but that's a small price to pay to get through this withdrawal. I think the headaches might be over, but I remain very very tired.

Yeah, a lot of the Japan expats didn't survive the move from Steemit, but Hive does still have a handful.

Thanks for the comment 😃