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RE: A bloody fist full of dollars

in Rant, Complain, Talk8 months ago

That’s a very difficult situation to be in indeed. It’s never easy to do those types of things and as difficult as it is to let it ride out, sometimes it’s best that way. The other route that she may go is anonymous tips to Human Resources and other groups in the company. If given specific examples it could lead to the removal but it’s a difficult process for sure because if it comes back that’s not good.

It is a messed up world we live in today but I have hope that we can turn it around and go back to a time where morals and virtues will be better than they are today!


Difficult indeed. I hate that she's in that position. I am not sure how their company works and whether anonymous reports are even possible. That's why I think perhaps it's better to let it play out and let that woman be her own downfall from lack of production and meeting objectives. All I can do is be a sounding board for my friend and remind her to see the bigger picture.

I do hope we can turn it around, at the moment it's depressing that to keep your job you have to put up with abuse of every description. Very sad. Thanks for commenting @cmplxty