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RE: Frustration through trust(ation)

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

Oh man I really hate when that shit happens lol. The new company I'm working for has been largely great except lately I've been working with someone who just doesn't jive well with me and I feel the situation here. Thankfully she's a very smart and good worker however her attitude.. ugh it is brutal! She gets super negative with the customer when we are on some meetings and I'm like "what the fuck?!? shut up!!!!!!" but I can't say anything except watch the train wreck happen. I confronted her about it afterwards and as I expected she was pissed at me for calling her bullshit! Lol people..

I've had some people in the past that failed me on delivering something like that and I had to start over. It's not fun but I wasn't in a management position so I didn't have the clout to bust their chops a bit and tell them to straighten out. I sort of do now but only when it comes to my projects lol

 2 years ago  

Attitude is everything and I understand how annoying it must be for you, and everyone else, that the person's negativity is so prevalent. I guess we don't ever know the reasons behind it but it sure doesn't help much huh? Calling it out is important I think but it doesn't always go to plan as you found out. Some take it well and seek to readjust and some...spazz out.

 2 years ago  

Yeah it is everything for sure. I told my boss about it and he was like “..yeah she can get like that sometimes” so it’s not just me who has seen it lol

 2 years ago  

And the boss accepts it by the sounds of it. I wouldn't, but that's just me.