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RE: Clearing Abusers

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year (edited)

Hahaha two comments saying the same thing and both giving me pizza! I'm not sure if you two are the same person or not! (Kidding I know you aren't lol)

Yeah I hear you man, it's tough and I fear it a little bit however if you follow a trail of someone like Galen then you should be alright. He will gladly take down anyone that's being an asshole and if they go after you I'm sure he would get the down votes balances out with others and eventually the person being a douche would stop.

To your question though: yes I have gotten resistance from a few people and one or two have stopped into a post of mine to beg forgiveness for a down vote I gave them. Some have shown initiative while others don’t bother because they know they are in the wrong.

Honestly though these days, what Galen and others have been mainly focusing on are the new accounts that are there stealing. There are very little accounts that are of value or strength that get into these fights these days. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing but maybe we got rid of the worst ones.