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RE: When Will You Get Married?

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

The tough part about this type of stuff as well is family turns out to be someone you never thought they would be. When we told my parents we were getting married, they ruined our engagement from day 1. It’s never been the same with them since and I never in my wildest dreams thought that would be the case. It’s nothing against marriage but it’s that people will do things you don’t expect them to do and it sucks.

Marry someone you want to, don’t marry just to marry. Thankfully I found someone who is the right person, best friend, critic when they need to be, partner, like-minded, beautiful doesn’t hurt either 🤣 but importantly an equal. These people might come from the most random places, we met randomly but when you find the right one you know. We only dated for a few months before I proposed.


Hey @cmplxty. Sorry for the late reply

Marry someone you want to, don’t marry just to marry.

Thanks for the advice and for sharing your beautiful story @cmplxty. I'm so admiring of both of you and wish you guys a lifetime of Happiness together forever :))