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RE: Something Sweet and Luscious

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year

I love me a good cake! Lol. One of my favorites is more pie than cake but my aunt made this incredible cream cheese pie. Ok so it turns out it’s not cake at all but I don’t care LOL. Cream cheese, whipped cream, 1 cup of sugar and a Graham cracker pie crust and you’ve got yourself a dessert of champions!

It’s funny when we bake and don’t follow the recipes, the things don’t turn out well! Lol


Pies made by the right person with the right amount of love taste heavenly. I bet your aunt's pie is no different.

It’s funny when we bake and don’t follow the recipes, the things don’t turn out well! Lol

I learnt this the hard way, hehe 😅. We end up baking something else. A new invention of some sort.

Thank you so much for stopping by ✨