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RE: Wear a Mask & Stop Covid Conspiracy Theories!

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

Sadly I don't think that comparison is relevant. Sexual diseases, virus or bacteria, are far more intimate than anything else. I understand how you may think of it but viruses, airborne ones at that, are normal to encounter. Sexual diseases are not. Our immune system is and has existed for the entire existence of human beings as a species to fight against things like viruses to protect our body. Without it, we would have died long ago.


But, clearly not all of our immune systems are strong enough to fight the coronavirus and that is why people are dying all over the world…

And every year before Covid, people all over the world died from the season flu.
Fact, the Covid death rate is on par with the yearly flu rate (even with the Delta vairiant), yet we did not descend into panic or institute such draconian control measures.
Fact, as of May 2020, worldwide, the collection of statistics on flu were stopped. So for a similar disease, that kills a similar number of people, no resources were allocated to it, why?