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RE: Phone home

None of my kids are so connected life passes them by. It's a great tool, but, it will never take the place of another person or personal contact. People don't realize they are letting some of the best things in life pass them.

It is an 1869 (that is old for us here) Rustic Victorian. We are renovating it, little by little. The physical labor of the property was a lot of work getting it into shape, but, the ancient gardens and chicken house, plus fun things like sleeping porches and built-in pieces make it charming and fun to work on.

Oh, sheesh... I am going on over a house. Sorry. Not sorry. :)

By the way, the next generation coming up is going to be the worst yet, with no schooling for years and parents that let them run the house. No manners and terrible eating habits. It is scary watching it happen.

 3 years ago  

That house sounds amazing! I'm a little envious but happy you're making stuff happen. Most goose otherwise. 🙄

Oh yeah, I get what you mean about the next generation; hideous mob of cretins they'll be. I can barely deal with the current youth. Mostly can't. Manners, lack of, is something I don't respond well to.