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RE: Remembering Ntopaz as a Dumpster Fire Community

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago (edited)

NTopaz was like a lot of the so-called “businesses” on the old chain.

They had no business model and relied on the reward pool as funding. They were about as bright as STINC since they were without a source of revenue.

They figured they could just sell tokens and be sustainable.

They were posers taking shortcuts instead of actual entrepreneurs/venture capitalists.


And relied on community members that had no experience doing what they were supposed to do. We got paid in tokens that equated to nothing. Had other members on the team that didn't know what they were supposed to do.

An owner that was out of touch with reality that the demographic user base he supports aren't really talented enough to drive in views with the content they create but opts to support them anyway. It had all the red flags but I stuck with it to lessen the votes earned by obvious alts and axeman getting upvotes for commenting like nice post daily.

Phuck it, it wasn't worth minding anymore and just watched real artists on the team lose interest while people with alternative agendas just profited further.