
Ow, do you 🤩? Does is still work?
It would be a sin to throw it away, these pieces will be like the old-timer cars one day :))

Yeaaaa :D My second one cause the first one was stolen.
I don't know if it works, but if they are unbreakable then it should, right? :)
can't remember if I have a charger for it. I will have to look for it next time I go to PL.

Yes, it would definitely work!!

Ask your mom to find the charger. If she can't find it, than it means just one thing - the charger doesn't exist anymore 😂


I still have those chargers! 🤣

We keep so many things from the past :) ☀️😇

Haha I have a nokia 2110 somewhere in my house I think. I hope you find the charger :)

Seems we were all Nokia fans :)))

In those days, Nokia totally dominated the market.... And then got totally left behind

That's true.

That's a nice old brick too :D Does it work?
I should be there somewhere. I wouldn't keep a phone and ditch charger. But never know after years of moving things around.

I have no idea if it still works. Usually the batteries die so they can't be tested