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RE: The masks we wear

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

Lol...She likes them because she only has to look in them to find out if I'm lying about eating donuts that day, or some other such shenanigans. Apparently I'm not a very good liar. 😁

And nope, I don't like them...Too squinty. But alas, I'm stuck with them, and the rest of that debacle I call a face. 🥴


Apparently I'm not a very good liar.


We all have thing we don't like in ourselves... me...plenty of :D but I am trying not to look too many times in the mirror, so problem solved :D

 3 years ago  

Yeah, that's smart...Don't look in the mirror and one won't see what one doesn't like! :)

Actually a good tactic... sometimes it helps 🤣

 3 years ago  

Yes...I'm going to try it...I'll probably go to work with messed up hair...But who cares! 😆