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RE: Road wankers

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

Lane splitting is the ability to ride up to the traffic lights intersection, the solid white line, (when the lights are red and traffic is stationary) between two rows of cars. If the vehicles begin moving the rider must merge into one lane or the other and proceed as usual.

It never used to be a road law, but people did it anyway, and a few years ago it was made a road law. I'm not sure why, but as a motorcyclist, I feel safer at the front of the queue of cars and when I zoom off ahead of them.

 2 years ago  

Well, laws are a social construct. That's why it became like that. Or that's just my not-so-educated guess.

I feel like motorcycle are way too dangerous. They look cool for sure, but I've seen too many people get themselves killed on them to like the damned thing. And their drivers around here are usually thugs. So it makes it worse.