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RE: Expectation and disappointment

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

There's nothing wrong with having higher expectations of something if you're actively worked towards it...But placing expectations on something one has zero control over often leads to disappointment - Expectations of another person is a good example.

You know, the don't eat sandwiches with tomato sauce in them whilst driving is good advice and a rule I'm well familiar with...I just forgot. Ok, no I didn't...I just didn't think that sauce would go rogue like that!

I'm hoping instant disappointment becomes the accepted name for instant coffee around the world. I know a few who use it since I wrote it on Hive. We'll see.


But placing expectations on something one has zero control over often leads to disappointment - Expectations of another person is a good example.

You are so right on this point. The years and experience have taught me to keep my expectations pretty low concerning people; I don't want any more disappointment in this regard.

I'm hoping instant disappointment becomes the accepted name for instant coffee around the world.

If you need signatures to move your proposal forward, let me know where I sign, LOL.

 2 years ago  

I knew I could rely on your support for the promotion and implementation of instant disappointment becoming an everyday term. ✅