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RE: Something Sweet and Luscious

in Rant, Complain, Talk • last year

Is it the cake experience that you stayed up that night to prepare you're taking about?? No wonder you didn't want me to come over and eat it😂. I'm happy we share similar tastes in sweets though. Maybe we should go out and stuff ourselves with sweets one day. How you see am?🌚


Is it the cake experience that you stayed up that night to prepare you're taking about??

Nooooo😂🤸. This one happened on broad day light. My first trial even before home management practicals😅

Maybe we should go out and stuff ourselves with sweets one day. How you see am?🌚

I see am very well😂. Best, we really should. We'd probably get a tummy ache after but still... For the culture ✨