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RE: If I wanted Gucci…

Bring back the traditional fashion i say....

Nowdays elegance is an excuse for laziness...everyone wants to look elegant, prim, proper....and nonfunctional.

That's what modern city fashion does to one...

One can still look good and be functional with retro clothing, second hand clothing, modern clothing. Look at the hippies (dang they are everywhere). They make wearing clothes look good!

Can't talk for women, but men need to bring back three piece suits (and not just for the friday/saturday night out vanity-complex that itches so), and leather jackets, and boots, cowboy boots (without spurs). Outside the city scape, we ought to look towards the rough-men, the bushcrafters, the outdoorsmen and THAT'S functional clothing.

Sure it doesn't look as sexy as a three piece suit or a nice leather jacket, but its functional and it serves a good purpose....

Whats the function of clothing? To cover the body? To exemplify certain aspects of the body? To glamourize? Thats the whole fashion industry's take on the functionality of clothing. (there is none...just cast thy eyes on more fashion magazines and tell me you're willing to wear one of those new seasonal designs....LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!)

Oh, you have a wonderful smile. Yeah.