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RE: The masks we wear

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago (edited)

🧐🧐 Unremarkable? Are you trying to be modest? 😄 Yea, you are not unremarkable!

I do not 'bounce out' after leaving a comment, I actually read then catwalk and step out lightly. Hahah. Just kidding.

On a serious note, I believe there are 2 reasons why people use avatars on social media in my opinion.

We humans are so judgmental! We judge everything, no matter how small it is. We feel must have a say in everything. We put ourselves on a pedestal and declare our negative feelings about others. Then we wonder why some use avatars.

I know a fellow here on Hive, her comments are always NEGATIVE in bold caps! She never really has anything positive to say. One time I commented on her art post like, "oh you are really talented" which was actually what I felt. I write as I feel. She responded that I 'hyped' my comments which means she did not believe me and did not believe in herself. It's quite sad.

Privacy - People hide behind avatars mostly because of their role in society and they want a platform where they could express themselves, be themselves without it interfering with their roles. Some do it to protect people close to them.

 3 years ago  

Not a bouncer huh? That's ok though, catwalking is much more stylish! Lol.

Yes, I'm not inclined to talk myself up I guess, I just don't feel the need. People will see me however they choose to see me and I can't influence it. All I can do is be the best version of myself possible.

On the avatar thing...It's a choice that people make and I'm ok with it...I mean it doesn't affect me either way. I don't think less of people for it, but I certainly find that I relate better, or more easily to those people who are a little more revealing in their posts and commenting with me. That's just me, everyone is different I guess.

I also think that people hide behind avatars because they want to be experts without putting in the time to become one so the avatar boosts the perception.