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RE: The Woes of Time Differences

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago (edited)

Interesting post! I love these images very much. I am so happy that you have students in Hokkaido! They need nice teachers like you;) Japan is lucky not to have a different time zone. However, I sometimes wished for a different time zone living in Hokkaido, especially in winter. However, I don't want to be confused by time differences.

Here in Canada, we have time zones, as you know. Yes, it's confusing sometimes, but I've gotten used to it. I take some online courses to study at a Japanese school sometimes. I like to have night classes because it's morning here. I also have online students for my work. I feel very comfortable working from home. Sometimes, I work as peer support for Japanese people when they need to talk at night. Since my time is in the mornings, it works well for us.

I really want us to have many working options like a digital nomad without dealing with time confusion! I want to have Doraemon's Dokodemo door so I don't get confused by time. Wait a minute, we still have time differences using the Dokodemo door..