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RE: Wear a Mask & Stop Covid Conspiracy Theories!

So, not a conspiracy theory that the pandemic is being used to implement police states?

I have friends and family suffering under the outrageous abuse of power by the police and governments in Australia.

Hence why I took issue with your post, it's title and image. It has details that are incorrect.

It appears you are also not interested in the factual science which demonstrates that information provided by the media and governments contains errors and omissions either by accident, lack of due diligence in research or at worst intentional.

The greatest problem in this current situation, is people's unwillingness to openly and rationally discuss the topic and perhaps hear information that runs counter to their beliefs.

Ideology instead of dialogue.


Please, no more, Leo. This is not rational, scientific, or kind. Let’s move on, please.

As for scientific discussion, you are unwilling to even ask me to provide the information which informs my position on how Covid should or should not be dealt with.

Fact, Norway and Denmark have now lifted all controls and decided to live with the disease. Sweden never imposed any controls, yet the Nordic countries are famed worldwide for their systems of social care.

Agreed, this is not rational or scientific because because by your own admission,

I, agree, that crises can be manipulated by (already corrupt) government entities.

Yet you still have not corrected your post, which claims that it is a conspiracy theory that,

COVID-19 is a ploy by governments to install a police state

You have not provided any evidence for your claim and you cannot refute what is happening in Australia and that which is now starting to unfold in Canada, Italy and other nations.

So I ask of you to contemplate, who is spreading misinformation and at worst conspiracy theories.