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RE: How Many Surfcams are Too Many?

Morning Riverflows;

I came to your profile to check if you'd published for the Ink Well this week, but instead found this. Surf Cams seem like a great thing; it's good that you've found that balance between the coast and country.

Having grown up in Western Sydney, and now living right on the coast - I feel so much more grounded and connected to the earth. It's a shame that coastal prices are pricing people out of experiencing this lifestyle. I've often wondered how my youth would have been different had I lived where I am now. In Penrith, it was always too hot to go outside, or too cold to go outside. Needless to say, I was an inside kid who spent far too much time on a screen.

Have a good one, Tim


Oh thanks so much for stopping by and how awesome tht you intentionally sought me out. I promise I'll pop over and read yours, even though I didn't have the energy and wasn't inspired by 'pride' after 'embarrassment' - I did write a poem but haven't published yet. I was on a roll postly weekly but now it's school holidays I'm more outside than in!

Coastal life is a real privilege these days it seems. Gone are the days of small towns with low employment on the coast and low population. I'm glad you are loving where you live! I do love a Victorian winter - keeps the crowds away! You have a few surf cams up there too I think.