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RE: MSG & Food Sensitivity

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year

hey @stea90, sorry that took a bit of time, I am currently down with the flu hehe. I had the same problem in the past and now, to be polite, I just taste it a little bit or eat a little bit xD eventhough I know that would cost me a problem later on. It's just that people with sensitivity is all around us and that sometimes people don't just realize that. It can seem ridiculous where I live esp that almost any food here has MSG but it's actually a real problem to me. I have egg allergy too but I simply just can't live without them 🤣, so a controlled eating is what I do, I have them about a few times/week instead everyday.


Don't worry, I'm also now replying to many late messages, indeed, I hope you're over the flu and you're better! In my opinion you are doing the best thing, a controlled diet, now I too am gradually reintroducing flour and eggs that I hadn't eaten for 5 years, because before that I had had serious problems, but now by controlling I'm able to eat more again those things without feeling bad.

Just think that in Italy there are many culinary traditions in each region and most of them contain flour or eggs, when you are a guest and you don't eat the food of their tradition they get offended, so sometimes I too have tasted the same knowing that then I would have been sick, provided that they didn't take offense at their hospitality...

But I hope people become more sensitive in this aspect. Thanks for the nice reply, I wish you a full recovery from the flu and have a happy day ;).