From Hurt To Healing:Embracing Differences and Ending Bullying in Schools

Greeting everyone and welcome!

So I’ve been binging this show for like all week which I know is not healthy but I just couldn’t help it. That’s not the point tho.

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I want to share with you what this series talks about. I have come to realise that most schools and parents don’t pay much attention to bullying in schools. In my part of the world I haven’t experienced bullying that much and per my experience, kids around here don’t bully one another as compared to other parts of the world but even with that , there’s always a bad nut among the group.

This series showcases what happens in various high schools and what kids go through in the hands of their peers. Some kids can be very mean at times and they tend to bully their mates which is a bad thing. Some even go to the extent of inflicting pain on others. Most school authorities pay less attention to such acts while some see but do not put measures in place to prevent this from happening.


Moving on, parents also need to play a major role in their kids life because that part of what they’re supposed to do as parents. Some parents barely have time for their kids in this busy world because they have a lot of stuff to handle. But come to think of it? Of what benefit is it to you if after chasing all the things in this world and you end up loosing your kids?

Some would say they are going through all this hustle for their kids but they forget that their kids need them now more than ever. So dear parents, make time out of your busy schedule for your kids. Talk to them about school and what’s going on there, how they feel , their problems and all of that. That way your kids will know that you are always there for them and so they wouldn’t have any problem talking to you when they have issues. The sad thing is most parents have failed at this but the good thing is we can still right the wrong.


Also, I think schools need to take their counseling and guidance sessions seriously. I remember I had a period for this in junior high school but sadly no teacher showed up so we would usually spend our time reading in the library. This made we the students also have the mentality that since the school administration is not making good use of that period then they actually didn’t give a shit about our nental health. We actually didn’t have a teacher for the period. In this movie, the school actually provided the students with a counselor but guess what happened? A student ended up committing suicide. I think the number of schools with counselors in my part of the world would be 1 out of 50 school. Yes, that’s how bad it is but I’m hoping that with time the narrative changes.

Well, this is the little I want to share with you all. I hope you liked it. Thank you.❤️

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It's so sad the hard life has made lots of parent so busy to the extent of ignoring their children, which is not suppose to be so, our children need all our full care and attention

It’s high time most parent knew this and made time for their kids.

Very nice article. I hope everyone takes the time to do what is possible to reduce bullying to a minimum. 🙏

I’m glad you liked this. Thank you for passing by.

Yay! 🤗
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Bullying is a bad act indeed and needed to be address right away... Thanks for creating our awareness.

I’m glad I did. Thanks for passing by.

I just wished absentee parents knew the emotional and psychological trauma they're causing their children because they are not present in their lives.
Guidance counselors that are qualified and are sure not to judge or abuse the children is also helpful. And I wished it was invested in more in schools.

Let’s just hope things get better with time. Thanks for passing by.

I was bullied in primary school. This student would beat me and threaten to do more if i tell the teacher. I was always afraid of him. It was so bad i missed school out of fear of seeing him. I remember i once stole money to give to him just to stop the beating, but to no avail. I finally got the courage to tell a teacher and it stopped. Kids go through a lot just kike my story. This was as early as primary (Basic) 3

 last year  

Bullying is definitely a difficult situation because there are so many factors at play with it. It’s often a reflection of home life challenges on the kids so parents absolutely need to get better at being there for their kids. As you said though sadly many don’t realize it. I’ve had my challenges as a parent and we sometimes forget the small things our kids need so I can feel for the parents in these situations too though. If the kid doesn’t know what to ask for or how to ask, they don’t get what they need and the parents are oblivious to the situations sadly. There are a lot more factors as well but those could be discussions for days!

These are very good points you made. Maybe parents need to pay more attention to their kids behaviours, for a start .