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RE: Nothing is lost until your mom can't find it...

in Rant, Complain, Talk β€’ last year

:D Perhaps the festive fairy hid it so you can eat the cake and not worry about the steps right now.

Those cables though, huh? They seem to multiply when nobody's looking! πŸ‘€

Hope you had a good one.

p.s. the cable will probably turn up when the band is out of date and you have a new one. They can be sneaky like that.

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A festive fairy exists? It just makes a lot of sense, indeed. And I even had another piece of the cake later in the evening, I so don't need now to think about getting fit πŸ˜‚
Thanks, festive fairy :))

Those cables though, huh? They seem to multiply when nobody's looking! πŸ‘€


We just imagined her into existence and if it means more cake then so be it!

We can get fit after the holidays... ;)

Take care of you and enjoy the cake until we meet again. πŸ’•
