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RE: Oh dear, you weren't exercising for me...were you?

in Rant, Complain, Talk5 months ago

I used to run. My max run was 4 miles. Maybe that would be a 4K, idk. But that was plenty of good exercise. More than that doesn't interest me. Recently, I told someone that my daughter had just run a 5K, and they scoffed! Like it was nothing! I know it's far from nothing.

I show appreciation for my family and friends who do it but, like you, I have no desire to watch marathons. Now, when I do catch bits of them, I can only think "those people are going to be so sorry when they get to be my age."


and they scoffed!

What horrible manners. I mean, obviously, if you felt it was worth sharing and that this person was worth sharing it with, it was definitely not nothing. Congrats to her. Sounds tremendously hard and I'm sure it takes a lot of discipline.

"those people are going to be so sorry when they get to be my age."

Really? May I ask why specifically? 'Cause the protagonist in the book I mentioned (the lifelong runner) can no longer run at the time of the story, 'cause she fucked up her knees. The way it was described really put me off running (I ran a bit during the pandemic), esp as the author herself used to run, so presumably she knew what she was talking about.. So It's interesting to hear you say this!