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RE: This Won't End Well

Snow makes everything more magical!
Where I live the temperatures are really very hot and in winter reaching 5/7 degrees means cold cold!
However, I have lived in places where a lot of snow fell during these periods and I confess that even the Christmas climate was different, it felt more, I can't explain why... it's the magic of snow.


I understand what you mean. Even the legend has it that Santa comes from the North pole ... you know. I was thinking how it is to spend Christmas on the beach, like in Australia for example. Have never done it. Christmas is more beautiful, when it's white :)

Probably even spending Christmas on the beach has its reason; However, I confess that I always stay for the magic of the snow heh heh!

When Christmas is covered in snow it is always more beautiful.

Just think that my wife and I are thinking of moving to a country where there is a lot of snow in the future... we're a little crazy I know, but when you like something, you like it!😉