You Complete Me

I don't wanna kill you. What would I do without you?
— Joker, The Dark Knight

Or is it just too much fun? To let you live and chase forever? Like a cat plays with a half-dead mouse until it’s too exhausted to make a move; in simpler words, as long as it’s exciting?

Watching The Drak Knight once again proves to be worthwhile. Especially, what Joker has to tell society, to the “civilised” people around us. The above quote is just an example. And it’s surprising how it resembles my surrounding— my place where finding a drug dealer is easier than finding a doctor. Unfortunate, isn’t it?

But the place wasn’t all like this a few years ago— only 1 or 2 “known” pot sellers who used to deal with the buyers away from the community's eyes. Perhaps, they were too afraid of the community to do it in broad daylight. Or, there were none to back up their activity? I don’t know but it was a “minor issue” back then and we thought “why so serious” when it’s only those 2 people against the whole community? But looking at this now I feel threatened every time I step outside of my house.

Where do we stand now? Nobody knows and possibly, none care. To them, the sun has set for good. Those glorious days are gone and now overpowered by a shadow too powerful to encounter. Too dark to be driven away by the brightest of the lights. People now have fostered an attitude that saves their own ass, but not every time.

Photo by vonvix on Unsplash

However, community people may or may not stand against such things— they didn’t take an oath to do that. But there are law enforcement authorities who are liable to do that at any cost. Being one of the most chaotic districts in the whole country, even from the “colonial” period, securities are too tight in our area— but only in papers. We see patrol vans roaming every now and then, but they seem to have no specific plan for these vigilantes.

Or is there a plan? A plan to let them do their job while they can collect bounty regularly. I strongly believe they have intelligence on every crooked dealer in our area. They know where they live, where they sell, and even where they hide whenever a raid is in the process. But they act as if they are the most helpless creature on earth when it comes to tracking and arresting those criminals.

I know this because I was involved in such a “chasing” case many months back. It was a family feud that has been ongoing for decades. Although none of the families involved confronted each other in a bloody battle, things went off hand a bit and police got involved. They accused me of an “attempted murder” which was totally false and the investigation officer came to our house looking for “criminals.” The officer went straight inside our house, checked only one room and came out saying the “criminal” has fled. And when I asked what’s the matter, how to solve this, he simply asked me to meet him after his duty with some “green bills.”


Whatever— sometimes they come all geared, probably the higher authority needs to prove they are actively hunting down criminals and neutralising crimes in the area. When they arrive, it makes a scene to behold— those drug dealers somehow get the news prior to their raid and retreat to their hideout. So, the police come, search some houses, and return to their superior with a report “all escaped.”

How funny!

The interesting part is, sometimes they catch them in a really impressive way. But their captivity doesn’t last long— they bail out in exchange for tons of cash, we all know that they will return eventually and continue doing their job. We also know they will be caught again only when the police need some extra cash for any of their upcoming events or when the situation demands a “real person” to be presented in a press conference.

And that’s how it continues.

Till death, they keep selling. Till death, the police keep chasing. Till death, we keep watching.

Such a shitty situation to live within.

 last year  

Sadly places in a lot of spots in the world are pretty corrupt and it’s because of government and police groups that are taking bribes instead of anything else. It’s a slippery slope for sure but one thing is that paying them next to nothing then expecting them to be honorable when someone offers them thousands of dollars to look the other way, in schemes that are set up by said governments and police groups, makes it difficult to change it for the better.

I don’t know how to fix it other than my personal motto: “be the change you want to see” and I think we can improve this stuff slowly over time.

be the change you want to see

It's pretty basic yet the most effective way to bring the change we all seek. Unfortunately, most of us think others will start the revolution first and then they will follow. This not only delays the change our society deserves but introduces newer problems as well. Our attitude should be if not you then who?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts my friend.