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RE: An Open Letter to Mrs. Mosquito - On Eating Bugs or Being Eaten By Them

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year (edited)

You will eat ze bugz
and be happy


Hahaha - but they will sell you the bugs, which you will eat on a plate you have rented from Buggle (the largest corporation in the world that sells insect no one knew anyone wanted), and wipe the bug juice off your chin with a napkin that you bought from them, in your rented house, with the flyscreen sold to you by Buggle, and the ketchup, made from cockroaches, proudly displaying the word 'Spicey Buggleracha' and you will smile and wonder: why did I never enjoy bugs before? And in the top offices of Buggle Inc, the CEO smiles, rubbing his six hands together in glee.


You can buy six packs of bugs for the price of five if you subscribe to monthly bug delivery, or the yearly subscription means you get eight packs fortnightly, delivered to your door. Just sign on the dotted line. No refunds.

When I put 'you will eat bugs and be happy' into Midjourney, this is what it came up with.


 last year  

I enjoyed your story ( was that your creativity, not AI? )
and the first couple of AI pics.

The latter not so much. They kind of creep me out haha, eventhough or - perhaps - because I re-watched Cronenberg's The Fly, recently.

Big hug!

Of course my creativity, the AI isn't as funny as me 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yes, sooooo creepy!!!! But fun...

 last year  

Of course my creativity, the AI isn't as funny as me

That's what I thought.
When AI gets funny too, I also have a problem
and AI will have a problem with me!