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RE: Road wankers

Crazy it is, people simply don't care.

Let's take crossing the street for example, people would rather save a minute or two and a bit of extra energy by crossing a "speedy" street and not use the footbridge instead. In a city like Dhaka that should be illegal, even if you're looking left and right, back and forth, you can never be too sure in this city; sadly, people don't care.

I think it's best you don't drive, safer perhaps.

I'll stay away for as long as possible, I'd rather be safe than sorry. The bus and any other public transport does the job for me; on top of that, Dhaka is a small city, so you can get a lot done just by walking.

 2 years ago  

If public transport works for you then sticking with it is a good plan indeed. It's probably cheaper than owning a vehicle also.

Surely is cheaper, a much safer option as well.