On Maui (Awakening Through Chaos)

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year (edited)

(This one almost seems a bit dated now, having started this a week weeks ago when the event was fresh; though forgot about until stumbled back on it now, so reviving to get out as there are still some timeless nuggets in here)


We’re all aware that history is full of scenarios where one group (be it nations and their armies, bands of vikings, Khazarian mafia, etc, etc) forced their way into the lands of others with agendas to take it over and were far less than diplomatic in their approaches.

We’ve been led to think that the further back, the more vicious these acts - somehow “evolving” in the nature of hostile takeovers from outright brutal raping & pillaging to coup d’états carried out under the guise of politically-sanctioned reasons as America has done to dozens of countries worldwide, justifying actions with storylines of ‘evil’ dictators, “peacekeeping,” and responding to “threats to democracy.”

Yet, we’ve overlooked the extent to which we ourselves have been indoctrinated with propaganda our entire lives - as though propaganda were something only ‘evil’ figures such as Hitler used far back in the past and our societies and governments have become infinitely more civilized and moral since. We’ve overlooked the degree to which our own conceptions of how the world works has been colored by the lenses of history books written to paint events - not just those of the past, but those also to carry on in the present and future - in ways that put the weight of atrocious behaviour conducted by political players and the military-industrial complex they serve behind, instilling the idea that similar events no longer happen. An excellent job has been done in programming us to think we could only recognize acts of war and political takeovers if they were to resemble the case studies taught - creating the perfect conditions to carry on undetected by most as the immense technological advancement that’s occurred since has enabled a radical transformation of the ‘weapons,’ ‘battlefield,’ strategy, and warfare tactics available for utilization in current-day conquests.

It is no secret that the “founding” of the Americas involved the slaughter of God only knows how many indigenous and the destruction of their culture as the way was physically cleared for the instillation of a new order & agenda. Or how many other times going back thousands of years the same pattern occurred across the globe as one group, whether small or large, moved in with intent to strategically wipe out who & what stood in the way of their plans for domination. But how many of us truly give much thought into what that same pattern/dynamic would actually, tangibly look like in this day & age when we’ve “evolved” FAR beyond swords, horses, guns, and bombs as the primary technologies for removing obstacles?

Even amongst the supposed “awakened” - those of us who’ve known for some time of the corruption & “evil” still present on our planet - events such as the destruction on Maui are another level of eye-opener, as we may have never before truly seen this pattern/dynamic at play so directly in real-time.

While there have been who knows how many different civil wars and CIA operations occurring in Africa and the middle east potentially comparable in different ways, we in the west have never have witnessed it as here. Or while 9/11 may have been the last major comparable catalystic event in some regards, it was a totally different world then without the pervasiveness of the internet in our lives that has allowed the type of real-time decentralized reporting and dissemination of info of here & now…

Never before, have we so quickly seen the actual destruction from so many different angles so fast. Never before, have we had such a massive influx of reports from actual people on the ground who lived there, sharing their unfiltered stories.

While the governments attempt a media blackout and preventing the locals from speaking on the matter to control the narrative, they have and can not here this time.

Though “authorities” may respond to those attempting to go back to their homes by arresting them (“just following orders,” obviously) - thus decreasing the likelihood of people seeing & reporting evidence of blatant fuckery - people are still getting glimpses and getting word out.


How many more of these atrocious acts of war will humanity have to endure before change really occurs to put us on a trajectory of peace? I dunno.

For all the new-agers claiming we’re ascending and nearly in 5D where everything will be hunky-dory, I may have ingested too many red pills and ended up black pilled - left with cynicism and doubt that things on this planet will never be “peaceful. And perhaps in that, balanced with some realism & spiritual wisdom that this “earth-school” dimension may always have wars & injustice as part of the curriculum. Certainly, the path to “enlightenment” entails an acceptance of the world’s dualities and depths of darkness rather than just pulling the wool over our eyes with fantasies of everything conforming to our idealistic wishes.

I always KNEW how much of society was a farce and the level of corruption, it was never like I had “an awakening” as was always sorted there from as far back as I remember… but the last 3 years have been beyond disillusioning at witnessing the actual intensity of it playing out in real time. While the emotional waves have settled now a month later after Maui got hit, it was another real test of acceptance & surrender.

Over the last few years, it’s become alot clearer how much unconscious programming/conditioning I’ve had into a paradigm/mindset as though the worst of humanity was all behind us and things couldn’t slip backwards - it was always so far out of personal reach and seemed all in the past. Ha.

Just as many of us clearly saw through the whole CONV!D scamdemic, we knew the climate change agenda was next… but yet again, I seem to have really underestimated the intensity it’d arrive with - the sheer evil of not only destruction caused, but the scale of mass gaslighting to cloak what’s actually being manufactured for SERIOUSLY ‘conspiratorial’ reasons. IYKNK. As much as some may write off those connecting dots between the fires in Maui, Canada, Tenerife, and other “natural disasters” to specific political agendas for each as “conspiracy theorists,” weather modification has been used as a weapon as far back as the Vietnam War and it’d probably be safe to bet we’ll look back at what happened in Lahaina as Pearl Harbour 2.0 in due time.

I honestly never could imagine we’d be living through WW3, let alone what it’d look like. Most of us probably thought it’d just be another traditional “one country against another using guns and bombs” - versus comprehending the multidimensionality of 5th generation warfare. We had all these ideas of what propaganda WAS and forms of warfare intertwined with it WERE… yet it’s a much different thing to observe it’s pervasiveness decades later in a world where technology enables it on whole other levels.

I’ve watched some people with big platforms speak out/up loudly the last few years against all the tyranny… and come to really see how it has NOT been my role to do the same. It’s been exhausting trying - seeing the playbooks unfold, just getting collectively gaslit as “conspiracy theorist retards” for calling a spade a spade. Super fucking challenging sitting on the sidelines as the world literally burns. But what choice is there in the matter besides resistance or surrendering to what’s beyond our individual capacity to control. And remain grateful for the blessing of having not been caught in the crossfire - and for the “awakening” all the chaos is serving, albeit far from easy.

Masterclasses in the whole, “God grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change” thing for sure.

May Truth come to light in due time, and may justice be served in whatever way the Divine has in store.



This has all been very well thought out, that's what I've come to understand. There is so much going on right now and yet the majority of people are still not seeing it or if they are they are just ignoring it.
Damn to compare 10 years ago to now, even 5.
I mean the surveillance has been in place, but all these ideologies, these crazy feckin narratives.
What's come out of Maui, is shocking, yet not so surprising either.
Great write up xxxx

Honest to the gods and anything that may be up there's truth, THIS is the most moving, depressing and also unbelievably inspiring thing I've read in the last fortnight.

Bravo 👏 💥

 last year  

There’s so much going on that’s for sure. What becomes challenging is keeping things straight. There’s so many simultaneous things and moving on from one to the next is difficult because we try to understand what happened and then some other shit happens. Crazy stuff dude.