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RE: The masks we wear

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

Nice Post, Its great to see someone revealing their personality and a bit of themselves I agree. I try to throw my personality into my posts and comments so I feel Ya.
Next I need to figure out this discord thing because I installed it, set it up, joined my first chat thingy and now I got some dude obsessively sending me pictures of his helmet...

Once I fix that problem and bring myself to reopen the discord thingy Ill add you... you may regret it 😁

 3 years ago  

Thanks mate...A little personality goes a long way.

My discord thing is at the bottom of my posts, feel free to add me and say hello. I keep most things on the chain but have a few chats going though. It's a good place to ask questions and all.

Don't worry, no helmet photos will be required.

Who the fuck does that anyway! 🙄