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RE: To Di No, or Not to Di No, that is the Question.

Just wanted to say (because it's often late by the time I get to your posts so I've just been reading/upvoting/running sorry x_x I should actually be in bed now but stuff happened) that I get where you're coming from with writing about other things getting in the way of writing your actual book XD I have a similar thing trying to balance life, homeschooling, AER and hive, and often feel like hive takes up a lot of time I should be 3d-ing XD

Hopefully you'll actually figure out how much time you need to be spending on the things you want to be spending time on and have everything work out :D

I have not but my excuse is I have five timelines to keep on top of and I'm sticking to it x_x

 3 years ago  

I knew you would get it :<)

Hopefully you'll actually figure out how much time you need to be spending on the things you want to be spending time on and have everything work out :D

We'll see about that but it sure would be nice haha!

best of luck with those time lines of yours ;<)