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RE: An Open Letter to Mrs. Mosquito - On Eating Bugs or Being Eaten By Them

One got to live another night for no other reason than I missed it when it landed on me and made me itchy the first time. But at least it didn’t bug (😭) me when I was actually trying to sleep which had also happened.

Yay for no skeetas at current location 😄

 last year  

One got to live another night for no other reason than I missed it when it landed on me and made me itchy the first time.

I once read that if you try to swat them away when they're drinking, they might need to get you thrice.
And only once, if you let them get their fill. The latter is the hardest part though, especially if there's a bunch of them.

Only ZEN masters can let a mosquito do his thing with them and not care ( me thinks )

Yes, I'm blessed not to have skeetas around

although I'm woken up/ kept up, at night, by all kinds of (small) city noises nowadays haha!

I have tried being zen about things but they reflexively die when they're on me (because I SWAT first and ask questions later). Unless I miss which is also a thing that happens in which case they can either not make that mistake again or keep playing with fire XD

 last year  

I managed twice to actually let them sting me, in my bed, on my forehead but never more ( said the raven ). It's too much too handle for a hypersensitivosaurus...