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RE: Doing the Neighbor's Dirty Work or Just Being a Good one

I commend you for taking the initiative and dealing with the problem tree! Most of our neighbors are wonderful people, but two years ago a family moved in across the road and they make more noise than all the rest of us combined. They didn't seem to notice how quiet it was here, or didn't appreciate it, I suppose.


Thanks. Some people are meant to live in the mountains, where the closest neighbor is miles away. I think there is a dangerous mix of selfishness and need to call others' attention in those people who are loud and need the rest of the stret to know that they are doing something. They must suffer some kind of arrested development/overcompensation issue, which they manage to turn into a family estate that can be passed on from generation to generation.
Ironically, those who abuse their neighbors tend to be very protective and agressive when they feel threatened (and "threatened" for them tends to be a very slippery concept, as in: Me: "Your tree is destroying my roof."-- Neighbor:"Are you threatening us?").

You summed that up very well!